Twitter has a lot of problems that are long overdue to be addressed. From abuse and threats, to trolling bots that sow political discord, to the spread of hate speech, to inconsistent enforcement of the site’s own guidelines, to literal Nazis, there are many important issues that must be fixed. The “like button” is definitely not one of them.
And yet, according to The Telegraph, the site will remove the “like” function soon, in an effort “to improve the quality of debate.” Because that’s what Twitter needs, more arguing. Needless to say users are not happy with this shortsighted, inane, inexplicable decision, and they are letting Twitter know about it.
Twitter’s gonna replace the like button with a USB-powered device that sprays acid at you
— Strode Trap House (@DieRobinsonDie) October 29, 2018
“when we report someone for death or rape threats or hate speech, please remove them.”
twitter: “remove the like button? it’s done.”
“no, just the shitty people–”
twitter: “your account has been suspended for violating the terms of service.”
— Anne T. Donahue (@annetdonahue) October 29, 2018
Hopefully things won’t get this grim.
“Few now remember for certain, son, but there are those who say it all began when Twitter got rid of the ‘Like’ button.”
— Davey Six-Toes (@HutchinsonDave) October 29, 2018
Without a like button on Twitter, how will we politely acknowledge well-meaning GIF replies that aren’t very apt or funny?
— Guy Lodge (@GuyLodge) October 29, 2018
if they take away the like button i’ll start dming people “your 11:38 tweet tickled me. hope all is wellâ€
— jaboukie young-white (@jaboukie) October 29, 2018
Twitter: How could we improve this service?
Users: Ban the fascists maybe?
Twitter: Hmmm…
Users: Or do something about the constant death threats?
Twitter: Hmmm…
Users: Or an edit…
Twitter: Got it. We’re nixing the like button.
— Jordan Weissmann (@JHWeissmann) October 29, 2018
Users: please stop the hate
Twitter: Okay, we’ll take away the “like†button— Molly Jong
Fast (@MollyJongFast) October 29, 2018
— Christine Love (@christinelove) October 29, 2018
Planet: I AM ON FIRE@jack: Maybe if we remove the Like button?
Planet: ON FIRE AYAAAYYYEEEEEEEE BURNING@jack: I really wish there was some challenging issue to get this company’s teeth into.
— Nick Harkaway (@Harkaway) October 29, 2018
But without the like button how am I meant to let people know I find them mildly attractive, I don’t want to actually have to interact
— Becca Wright (@_beccawright) October 29, 2018
*frantically changes Halloween costume to Twitter Without A Like Button*
— Chris Scott (@iamchrisscott) October 29, 2018
if twitter takes away the like button how are we going to find out which specific types of bondage porn turn on armie hammer
— a-hex-is dreadd (@alexisthenedd) October 29, 2018
if they take away the like button on twitter, i’ll begin shouting things outside 7/11 and see who gathers to listen. your cheers will be my “likesâ€
— ryan (@ryanyeetz) October 29, 2018
Maybe this isn’t all bad though. Maybe Twitter will replace the “like” button with something that better captures what it’s like to use the site with all of its problems.
Like button will be replaced with outraged button.
— hodlonaut
(@hodlonaut) October 29, 2018
So, uh, how do we tell these people we like their tweets?
What do you think of Twitter getting rid of the “like” feature? We’d like to hear from you in the comments below.
Featured Image: Twitter