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Today’s Show Is Brought To You By The Letters ‘M’ And ‘F’

Would you like to see a short video of the Sesame Street Muppets sort-of lip-syncing Kanye West’s profanity-filled “Monster”? Yes, you would, keeping in mind that this is definitely NSFW:

As a commenter at YouTube notes, this is not unprecedented, following in the footsteps of Bert and Ernie’s celebrated performance of M.O.P.’s “Ante Up”:

HT: Rillawafers via New York Magazine’s Vulture

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

What is Wrong with MAD MAX’s War Boys?

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

ONCE UPON A TIME’s Season Finale Had an Alternate Ending

HONEST TRAILERS Gives Us a Real Look at the Best Picture Nominees

HONEST TRAILERS Gives Us a Real Look at the Best Picture Nominees



  1. Snives says:

    Nothing beats the Barney/Tupac mashup.

  2. Pete says:

    “Monster” is almost there. Ernie & Bert is dead-solid-perfect! Thanks!