FACT: If you scratch up bananas, they darken.
OTHER FACT: If you scratch bananas in a certain pattern, they will darken into a picture, and you have essentially drawn on a banana.
YET ANOTHER FACT: I have a friend who told me one time that her family made bastard scratched up banana drawings and put them in each other’s stockings for Christmas. I think that must be what people do who live in sad places like Nebraska where nothing exists. (sorry if you live in Nebraska)
LAST FACT: Blogger Riss has made a series of Doctor Who banana drawings, which are awesome, and which I would be more than happy to receive in my stocking no matter where I live.
Go see her other fruit etchings at her awesome blog.
Mmmm…The Doctor can bring his banana to my party any time.
I’m an artist. Here’s a relevant piece I made in 2009.
ok now im going to go and draw on all the bananas at the store!
Is this in reference to the “comic relief sketch? Matt Smith: “imagine a banana or anything curved … “
Hey, come on guys. Pick on a Dakota.
Beatrice, Nebraska
Just look at this Dr Who banana. Just look at it.
Oops, wrong blog.
And (to me, anyway) the most awesome fact of all about bananas is that they produce antimatter!
I am also sorry if you live in Nebraska.
Signed Person living in Oklahoma. Oh, wait.
What is it with the doctor and bananas?? LOL. This is awesome.
That is the sexiest damn banana evar!