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This New FLASH Trailer is Grodd-Level Bananas

The first season of CW’s The Flash has proven to be about as great a freshman year as any TV show’s had in forever, especially in the comic book realm. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. certainly didn’t have this kind of faith in itself in its first year, and even something as now-awesome as Arrow took about eight or nine episodes to really find itself; The Flash took maybe four before it had gotten up to…speed… hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Are we all okay?

A couple of weeks ago, the show did something pretty amazing by having a cliffhanger and game-changer get inadvertently rewritten by Barry Allen going back in time through the speed force. If that weren’t a huge enough thing, we’ve got all the stuff with Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne going on. Everything’s going to come to a head soon, but how soon? And why?

And now we get this trailer, for the rest of the season, which looks cuckoo crazy. It highlights the crossovers between The Flash and Arrow, including Ray Palmer coming to Central City, Cisco talking to Laurel about superhero stuff, and what I’m guessing is an alternate-timeline team-up with Flash, Firestorm, and Oliver Queen dressed in Dark Archer-wear fighting the Weather Wizard and the rest of the locked-up Metahumans. Oh, and Gorilla Grodd in all his glory. Gorilla FRIGGING Grodd.

The Reverse-Flash storyline was one I was surprised they decided to do in the first season, and one that I’m even more surprised they’re taking to its natural conclusion, it seems. I’m even more surprised that it’s taken this long for Eddie to want to shoot Barry. I mean, dude’s been macking on his girlfriend for months. DRAMA!

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on the CW.

How off have your socks been knocked by this minute of footage? Let us know in the comments below!

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