You can call him many things: the merc with a mouth, the product of an avocado who had intercourse with an older and uglier avocado, or just plain ol’ Wade. But what you probably would not call Deadpool is a bozo. Well, until now.
Kotobukiya‘s brand new 1/6 scale statue, which came to our attention via, offers several items for customizing our favorite smart-mouthed, immortal cancer survivor, including weapons ranging from katanas to a gag pistol. But if you want to moderate the badass pose of this nimble ninja-ish guy–who’s carefully balanced between two crossbeams for maximum glute-flexing–with some humor, the best accessory is the clown wig. He’s not all bad, our Mr. Wilson. He will help you die laughing. In true Rob Liefeld style, the official product description notes “There are even sweet ’90s style pouches, and because it’s Deadpool some of them are upside-down!” This is no mere Deadpool, either: it is, indeed, Marvel Now! Super Deadpool! (The exclamation marks, like pouches, are an essential feature.)
Koto’s sculpts are always top-notch, and the details on this one extend to the stitching of his costume and the logos on his boot soles; check out the extensive gallery below to see the statue from every angle. All he lacks is an actual mouth, which is for the best, because who wants a toy that never shuts up? Babies, that’s who. And babies should not play with Deadpool. But you should. And the $149.99 preorder price is a good value for a sixth-scale collectible like this.
Are you ready to break some invisible fourth walls? And will you display him with clown wig on or off? Get mouthy in the comments below and let us know.
Everything We Know About Deadpool 2 So Far:
Images: Kotobukiya