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This Kendrick Lamar-SUPER MARIO BROS. Mashup is Perfect

Hey, an entire album can be remixed using only cat sounds, anything can happen.

What do Mario and Kendrick Lamar have in common? Most would agree that these two are the best in their respective fields. One’s a hip-hop king, while the other has the best mustache in the industry. So what would happen if we combined the two worlds? Soundcloud user victorylaptop did just that with a mashup of Kendrick Lamar’s “King Kunta” from To Pimp a Butterfly and the 8-bit theme from Super Mario Bros.. The result: Kendrick LaMario Bros.

Let’s get one thing clear, “King Kunta” is an incredibly well produced song, and Kendrick kills it bar after bar. But it’s surprising how well the 8-bit sounds meld with the track. It would be even bolder if Kendrick was added to the Mushroom Kingdom soundtrack. I can see a hip-hop version of Mario bragging about his place in gaming history, but Nintendo definitely wouldn’t be down with this collaboration. But hey, then people wouldn’t complain that Mario games are only for kids (which they aren’t).

What did you think about this banger? Would you like a full length mashup project? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: Kotaku

IMAGE: victorylaptop

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