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This Graph Will Give You a Boner

I’ve always said there’s something romantic about math, but yeeowza! Excuse me while I roll my tongue back into my mouth and treat these burns on my ears from all the steam that shot out.

This is probably my favorite fan art of Christina Hendricks ever. Good job, kid.

[via I Can Has Internets]

Psst. I’m on TWITTER.

STAR WARS REBELS Movie is Headed to ABC with Bonus Darth Vader

STAR WARS REBELS Movie is Headed to ABC with Bonus Darth Vader

Comic Book Day: Pull List for January 2nd, 2013

Comic Book Day: Pull List for January 2nd, 2013

HEARTHSTONE: HEROES OF WARCRAFT Coming Soon To Mobile Devices Worldwide

HEARTHSTONE: HEROES OF WARCRAFT Coming Soon To Mobile Devices Worldwide



  1. Antti says:


    Apostrophe in German keyboard layout is SHIFT+the key next to Ä. Maybe you’re confusing apostrophe with the accent key.

    Different countries have different languages. Alt Gr allows for much more characters. The main function of all the world’s keyboards is not to make writing English convinient. Here’s Finnish

    if you compare it to the entry on US keyboard. The difference in required function comes apparent.

  2. An says:

    I feel so proud to be Vietnamese after seeing this.

  3. andrew says:

    ah, 46:19

    malcolm gladwells disqualifying remarks, an old article somewhere, google didnät just cough it up

    the apostrophes are a pain in the ass on this thing, there are down shifts and something called alt gr that is the gate way to the @ which is on the Q button, lawsz

    also this wired guys take on funny movies, listening to his kids is horrible, spinal tap is awesome, caddy shack is great, they just need to grow up a little more

    ‘jeeze thats an ugly hat, you buy a hat like that you must get a free cup of soup’

    and finally, the dead parrot sketch was done multiple times on different movies and in the live show etc, so youre right chris, apparently cleese would just riff on all of the different ways to say kicked the bucket, singing with the heavenly choir,

    ok thats enough, gnight

  4. andrew says:

    gah, hardwick cant even remember every single detail of his own podcast from months ago

    seriously though, the podcast is fantastic and came along at just the right for me, i just moved to europe for grad school (i know, boohoo) but before i could figure out what a proxy server was it was my only link to good ole american sophisticated american comedy. the intertwining strands of standup discussion, nerdom, and spirituality/trying to be a good person in this crazy world are issues that i thought only came together in my head, so its pretty awesome to find discussions of all of them in one place with people who’s work i really respect, so thanks chris
    i also appreciate that you grew up in tennessee like me and dont have an accent, im sure people love to point that out to you as well

    (german keyboard makes for youtube dummz type comment, im serious despite lack of punctuation and capitalization)

  5. Sawyer says:

    Andrew, I think this is the link you’re looking for

    As to the picture, the person’s talents clearly lie in the arts rather than math. That, or they’re a super-genius who was able to solve the question and still have enough time to make this drawing in exquisite detail, in which case he/she is going to rule over us all someday.

  6. Chris Hardwick says:

    I’m not sure! I do remember talking about ways to cope with haters online…that link is in the comments on the Anderson podcast post.

  7. andrew says:

    hey chris,

    on last week’s podcast you guys mentioned briefly a list or a book of the top 10 ways to put people off (being a dick to waitresses, immediately talking about religion).

    I went back to look for it today but am in a rush cramming for a theories of international relations exam, durp. Would love to know what that is.
