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This Charming Mushroom

Courtesy of Alan P. aka “Lazyitis,” here’s what happens when you cross-breed Morrissey and the Super Mario Bros., a cover of The Smiths’ classic “This Charming Man” in chiptune style, credited to “Super Morrissey Bros.”:

Of course it is.

HT: Rolling Stone

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  1. Eileen says:

    As Tim Ferriss says, “Go niche or go broke.”

  2. John48221 says:

    Looks like I just found my next ringtone.

  3. LemonadeStand says:

    Great fun! If you like this, you’ll also want to check out The Smiths Project!!

    TheSmithsProject (dot) blogspot (dot) com

  4. LemonadeStand says:

    Great fun! If you like this, you’ll also want to check out The Smiths Project!!

  5. Kati says:

    smiling from ear to ear from this.

  6. Matt says:

    I saw this the other day, I LOVE it!!! I want more Morrissey in my nerdist, Nerdissey.

  7. Slerd says:
