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These GAME OF THRONES Sand Drawings Totally Nail Daenerys, Jon Snow, and More

It’s hard not to get excited during the lead-up to the latest season of a show like Game of Thrones. There’s obviously the anticipation of seeing the events play out and familiar characters continue their stories, but we also love how the internet becomes absolutely inundated with all manner of fandom. And with the new season only a few days away, we’re treated to beautiful Game of Thrones tributes like this sand art video.

This gorgeous and granular Game of Thrones graphic was created by YouTube’s Tetiana Galitsyna, whose channel is loaded with other sand art performances. We’re floored by the detail that’s attained in each of the portraits of the Lannister siblings, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon “Come on, guys! I do TOO know something!” Snow, and the White Walker general. (I mean, I assume he was a general. He was at least a higher rank than the others, right? Zombie horse and all?)

The art form of creating such beautiful pictures out of nothing more than a light table and sand is simply incredible. Handfuls of sand peppered along the table at different thicknesses reveal a surprising level of shading and contour to these “drawings.” It’s truly a rare art form that’s got to take some serious practice to get to these near photo-realistic representations. However, we do sort of wish Galitsyna capitalized on the potential meta joke of sand-drawing the bastard daughters of Oberyn Martell’s: The Sand Snakes. Perhaps there’s hope for future Game of Thrones sand creations.

What do you think of this GOT sand art? Have you dabbled in the art form? What other shows deserve a performance by Tetiana Galitsyna? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Tetiana Galitsyna

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