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The War Comes to the Eastern Front in BATTLEFIELD 1 DLC

Battlefield 1 was one of our favorite games of 2016 (read our review here). Its focus on first-person shooter fundamentals was not only refreshing, but also a ton of fun. Well, 2017 is bringing more to the virtual battlefield with a brand new expansion titled “In the Name of the Tsar.” That’s right, during today’s EA Play event, the news dropped that we’ll be heading to the Eastern Front of WWI in the new content. Take a gander at the epic clip below.

This DLC is set to launch some time in September and will include eight new maps, extra weapons, and even more vehicles. That’s a whole lot of content! It will most likely bring new life to the online scene. And in a new twist, you’ll also be joining the Women’s Battalion of Death. Battlefield 1 is already impressively diverse when it comes to its online maps, so adding even more maps will only make the multiplayer better.

Expect more news and a better look at the new maps before it officially launches. Don’t forget that other DLC will also be dropping later this year for the game, so you shouldn’t expect to be putting the controller down any time soon.

What do you think about the new DLC announcement? Are you still playing online? How about the location of the maps?  Will this entice you to return to Battlefield? What weapons and vehicles are you hoping make their way into the game? Shoot your thoughts into the comments section below!

Image: EA

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