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We around these parts are no strangers to the charmingly recreated versions of movies “gamified” by 8-Bit Cinema. I’m sure you’ve probably seen a handful (or more) of these amazing shorts by the popular CineFix YouTube channel. Well, hold on to your sheriff’s hat, Coral, because that excellent team is dipping a digital toe into arcade-like television recaps for the first time! Sure they’ve come *this close* to having a bevy of TV recaps already, given the number of films-based-on-shows that Hollywood has given us. But despite Star Trek and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, et al., being obviously based on television properties, the movies themselves and their 8-bit counterparts stand alone from the television continuity universes.

This Walking Dead retro digitization however is the first real solo television recap we get! The above video spanning seasons 1 & 2 is the first of two confirmed parts, and it does not disappoint. I apologize in advance for this riff on the classic Seven-Ate-Nine joke.


Despite having watched The Walking Dead since the beginning, I haven’t binged on it in a hot Georgia minute, so there were a couple of plot points I’d totally forgotten until I saw them in a heavenly NES-like manner. Mane-ly, I’d completely erased/blocked out/filed away the horse on which Rick rode into town when he entered Atlanta post-coma. I’d also forgotten that poor horse was walker-mauled near the tank. This show is unkind to equines. Unkind to equines, says I! R.I.P. Highway Horse & Buttons.

CineFix will be debuting part 2 soon, and your social media involvement can play a part in how soon the release befalls us all! After hitting 10,000 YouTube likes, Part 2–which includes seasons 3 & 4–will drop next Wednesday. Alternately, if the hashtag #8BitWalkingDead reaches the top trending lists on Facebook or Twitter, it will drop this coming Monday. Not only do they “gamify” their movie homages, but they make release dates interactive too! So while you head over to YouTube to give the video a like, stop by the Nerdist channel and make the clicks on the things there too!

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