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The TV “Batman” Theme, As Performed By Bats

The original Neal Hefti Batman theme recreated with the use of actual bat sounds? Why not, it’s Friday. Sándor Seuntjens of Brussels digitally reduced the otherwise-inaudible-to-humans sounds of bats to audible frequencies, and Ulrich Seidel played them on a keyboard. Again, it’s Friday, so what the hell, bats.

HT: Vulture

Exclusive Interview: SUITS Creator/Showrunner Aaron Korsh

Exclusive Interview: SUITS Creator/Showrunner Aaron Korsh

Exclusive: Watch ‘Eskimo Brothers’, THE LEAGUE’S Jon Lajoie’s…

Exclusive: Watch ‘Eskimo Brothers’, THE LEAGUE’S Jon Lajoie’s…

Major Announcements for TALES OF HALLOWEEN Anthology Film

Major Announcements for TALES OF HALLOWEEN Anthology Film
