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Episode 62: The Todd Glass Show
Graham Elwood
The Todd Glass Show

The Todd Glass Show #62: Graham Elwood

Graham Elwood returns to the show, along with his friend Libby! We also talk to Jerry Seinfeld, and Todd and the gang sing Graham a very special song!

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  1. Julia says:


  2. Andrea says:

    Judy, I think its James Adomian that does it.

  3. WesFX says:

    Was Graham in a hurry? It felt like this episode wrapped up so quickly!

  4. Mark says:

    Wow, Graham NAILED the Debaser intro. P-p-p-props.

  5. stoned guy says:

    a bag of weed a bag of weed (gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram) a bag of weed a bag of weed (gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram) a bag of weed a bag of weed (gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram) a bag of weed a bag of weed (gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram gram)

  6. Colin Denney says:

    Thanks for the shoutout, Todd! That was super cool of you to mention me on the show. Without sounding weird, hearing Todd say my name gave me chills. I was psyched to hear that you hung up some of my crap in the studio. Hope you left room cuz there happens to be more on the way!

  7. Alex says:

    I was considering buying an ipad when I heard Todd say “Don’t buy that thing you’ve been thinking of buying. You don’t need it.” It was a little eerie.

  8. Mark says:

    Can’t believe I was a big enough nerd to look that up. Jesus.

  9. Mark says:

    In the 50’s the serving size for coke was 6.5 ounces which would be about 79 calories. An entire grapefruit would be 82 calories. So that ad isn’t as dumb as it sounded.

  10. ron in portland says:

    The Todd Glass Show Assumptions song is one of the greatest things I’ve ever heard. Todd, when you do a show from the heart the fans reciprocate. Please record a million more.

  11. judy says:

    Is there a link to that guy who does the impression of Todd?