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The Saturday Evening Post Mortem: 10/20-10/25

On Saturday, even clowns take the day off, a tradition depicted in this Norman Rockwell classic. As Mr. Rockwell himself used to say, "Instead of doing something, do nothing! Watch TV! It's American!"

On Saturday, even clowns take the day off, a tradition depicted in this Norman Rockwell classic. As Mr. Rockwell himself used to say, “Instead of doing something, do nothing! Watch TV! It’s American!”

It’s Saturday evening. You’ve had a long day of activities and you just want to kill some hours by clearing some of the build up off your DVR. With so many choices and so little time, how ever will you choose?  What should you watch? I’m going to tell you!

I spend every week watching all TV, so that I can report the “best of the rest,” so to speak. The stuff we didn’t recap, but that you should check out! So sit back and read my Saturday evening post mortem of the week!


Aqua TV Show Show (formerly Aqua Teen Hunger Force) – YES! “Spacecadeuce” brings my favorite ancillary characters to the forefront: The MOONINITES! In fact, several alien characters appear in this sci-fi story that also features the Plutonians.

Bob’s Burgers – No show (AGAIN)  this week. I’m just going to keep reposting the Snake Song until the series returns, So… here. (IT’S NOT OKAY!)

The Simpsons – No show. In other sad news, Marcia Wallace (the voice of Edna Krabapple) passed away this week. She will be greatly missed.


we fixed a truckAdventure Time with Finn and Jake – Fixed a truck this week, in “We Fixed A Truck”. Finn and Jake were helped by Banana Man (and BEMO) to make repairs on Hot Daniel (the truck).


New Girl – “Keaton” was only missing an actual Michael Keaton cameo. The episode reveals something magical about Nick and Schmidt’s past. I hear this season of this show.


South Park – They’re back! Although, none of our favorites were back. Instead we were given an episode starring the Goth Kids called, “Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers,” which I felt was a weak return, but it’s South Park, so they get a pass every now and then. What did you think?

modern_family_the HelpModern Family – “The Help” guest starred Adam Devine from Workaholics as a potential new nanny for Jay and Gloria’s baby. Plus the return of Broadway legend Nathan Lane as wedding planner Pepper.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia – “Flowers for Charlie” was written by Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. I shouldn’t need to say more for you to want to watch it. GO, MY CHILDREN!

The League –  “Flowers for Taco” (like the Always Sunny episode) is a nod to the film Charly, based on the novel Flowers For Algernon. The episode takes its dumbest character, Taco, and makes him smart. In this case, it’s by way of sobriety. However, the game is threatened by a newly brilliant Taco causing the gang to figure out a way to get Taco stoned again.


Parks and Recreation –  Was put on hiatus until next year. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS, NBC?!?!?!


Dracula – The pilot for this new NBC show aired last night. I watched the first half of it and fell asleep after I realized it was the same stupid story we’ve seen a million times. Mina looks like Dracula’s old lover. Lucy is a slut. SNORE.

You certainly have enough TV to fill your Saturday evening, but please chime in with comments or tweets if you’ve seen something I’ve haven’t that I cannot miss.

See you next week!

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  1. Cody says:

    My wife made me DVR Dracula. We didn’t even make it past the first 30 minutes.