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The Nerdy Keyboard Keys Of Your Dreams Are Here

Well… they’re on a website. Not here. Pictures of them are here. Don’t be such an Amelia Bedelia. Anyway, you’ll never be keyBORED with these aluminum add-ons. No, I can do better. The KEY to these aluminum goodies is Nerdyness! Nope. Not my tempo. These aluminum keys are a (key)stroke of genius! Ahh, There it is.

As this job has done from time to time, I’ve come across yet another thing that will certainly drain my bank account. Nerdy keyboard keys across many a genre of fandom.
The brilliant minds over at offer a bona fide cornucopia of nerdy keys for anyone’s needs. From Pokemon, to Captain America’s shield or a Breaking Bad Heisenberg key that for whatever reason ISN’T in a proper meth-blue. Having the S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem on a key makes me wish it would actually call in reinforcements while the Darth Vader feels like it would call in Storm Troopers.


Oh and can we talk about the light up Arc Reactor or the friggen Iron Man helmet!? I personally don’t think there’s a better reason to hold onto your old mechanical keyboards than these replacement keys. Although I want every single one of them, I suppose I’d have to settle on the old school NES controller key. It’s just plain beautiful.

Check out the gallery below for more keyboard greatness. Each of these keys will set you back about thirty bucks a piece so choose wisely. also makes quite a few plastic versions of the same keys for a bit cheaper (but not by very much)

Is it too late to change my mind? I choose Baymax. Baymax all the way!

What are your favorites? What keys would YOU design and what special functions would they hold? Let us know in the comments below.


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