What if the galaxy far, far away didn’t have Rey? What other brave and powerful hero could it turn to to help maintain a balance between all things in a world torn apart by war? Who else would have the training necessary to manipulate her surroundings? To bend the universe to her will using her mind?
…Now that we think about it, why did it take us this long to connect The Last Jedi and The Last Airbender with a perfect Star Wars/The Legend of Korra mashup?
In this hilarious clip from the latest episode of our Alpha series Talkin’ Toons, host Rob Paulsen welcomed fellow voice actor and Korra herself, Janet Varney, for one of the most spot-on crossovers we’ve ever done. But don’t worry, it was still plenty silly. Rob filled in for Mark Hamill’s grumpy old Jedi as the even whinier “Lukie,” a mix of Luke and Louie Anderson, and Varney’s Korra-Rey was having none of it.
We love Rey obviously, but the nice thing about Korra is we know for sure she is the reincarnation of Aang so we don’t have to constantly debate who her parents are.
If you’d like to see the rest of this interview, along with all other episodes of Talkin’ Toons, you can only watch them at our online Alpha community. It’s just one of our many great shows there, and your first 30 days are free when you sign up for the first time. You don’t even have to impress us by making anything float to get that deal!
Which other character would Korra be a perfect fit to play? Use your mind—and then your keyboard—to tell us in the comments below.
Featured Image: Nickelodeon/Lucasfilm
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