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The Game Continues On “Realm of LARP”

When last we left our LARPers on the Nerdist Channel’s Realm of LARP, they were being ambushed by goblins, which, let’s face it, doesn’t happen much in real life. Will their lack of tactical planning lead to trouble? Who’s going to “die” first? Where the heck is Gerdin, and who’s Lord Winston? Follow the action in Episode 2 of Realm of LARP, right here.

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  1. Abbey says:

    What Dani said. I myself know both kinds of LARPers, one really into the fighting and action and another really just in it for the character development. Besides, I think showing the more theatrical part of LARP is better when making a show like this. That’s juts my opinion though.

    Either way, I am in love with this show!

  2. Dani says:

    Not in the least. LARP can be whatever you make of it. Some people prefer the adventure and fighting, others enjoy the theatrical aspect of it, (like myself). Different strokes for different folks. Not all LARPers function in the same fashion, that’s why so many different LARPs exist.

    Good job, guys! Keep up the good work :)!

  3. T says:

    I don’t know everything about LARPing, but I feel like you might be misrepresenting … the majority of it.

    Isn’t it less cinematic and dramatic , and more… action, adventure and fighting?