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THE FUN FAMILY is More Than a Little Twisted (Exclusive Preview)

Some graphic novels are about superheroes while others about wild adventures, mysterious murders, or magic beyond our comprehension. The Fun Family is something else entirely; it’s a slice of life that is so real it’s painful. Don’t let the Family Circus style artwork fool you, The Fun Family is definitely not a cute little slice of Americana. Writer and artist Benjamin Frisch wants to lull you into a sense of comfort then show you something ugly, and maybe you’ll laugh a little while it’s happening. If you’re a sicko.

Fun Family cover (300dpi)


The Fun Family is a 240-page graphic novel coming from Top Shelf Comix, the publishers of fine works like March and The Underwater Welder. This is Benjamin Frisch’s first book, but the dude has an impressive resume outside of the graphic novel world. He’s contributed to NPR, and, and spent time as an American cartoonist-in-residence in France. His artwork has a newspaper strip feel with a little of classic Archie thrown in, all of which adds to the wholesome look of the book. Praise is already rolling in for The Fun Family, so if it’s as good as it looks to be, we’ll hopefully be seeing lots more graphic novel work from Frisch in the future.

In order to give a taste of the weird, darkness that lurks in The Fun Family we’re providing you with an exclusive preview below! The setup is awkward and more than a little twisted. It starts off looking like a family therapy session is about to reveal some sort of terrible abuse when it quickly swerves into a strange and uncomfortable reveal that is funny, but only in the most uncomfortable way. If the early praise is to be believed, the book only takes us further and further into these bizarre places as it deconstructs the nuclear family.

The Fun Family hits bookstores Tuesday, July 12th, so pick yourself up a copy and have a bummer of a Tuesday reading it! You know, in a good way. One of those bummers that remind you that you are alive. That kind of a bummer.

Images: Top Shelf Comix


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