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The FALLOUT 4 Pip Boy App is Now Available

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Fallout 4 is almost here! I hope you’ve been saving up your “sick” days, because the apocalypse is about to hit.

Whether or not you were lucky enough to pre-order the highly-coveted Pip Boy Edition of Fallout 4–which we recently unboxed–you’ll be able to download the game’s companion app on Android and iOS starting today, and later on in the day for Windows mobile devices. On top of being able to check out some more Fallout goodness ahead of the game’s November 10 launch, the great thing about the release is that you won’t have to fork over a single cap for it, because it’s completely free!

Though most of the app’s functions won’t be available until you have the PS4, Xbox One, or PC version, you will be able to check out the demo mode which includes a sweet mini-game called Atomic Command and a sneak peek at the UI that you’ll be able to interact with later on. Once you’re able to connect to the game, you will be able to keep track of your wanderer’s status, access your data on the go, check your inventory, play mini-games, and slip it into your brand new Pip-Boy (if you were able to pick it up).

This isn’t the first Fallout-themed app to hit mobile devices. A couple of months back, Bethesda released Fallout Shelter, which I’m not ashamed to say that I quickly became addicted to. Sure, I accidentally lost all my Vault Dwellers and had to start over, but there was something special about seeing them thrive. With the Fallout 4 emojis and GIFs app the developer launched the other day, the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. informational video series, and awesome limited edition merchandise, Bethesda has been killing it with promotion–as if we needed more reasons to be hyped about the game.

Are you planning on downloading the app ahead of launch? If you’ve already done so, what did you think? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credit: Bethesda

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