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The “Donald Trump” Caterpillar Sports a Similar Hairdo

Hair model and now presidential candidate Donald Trump has many things named after him: Trump Tower, Trump National Golf Club, Trump Hotel, etc. Add to that list an insect in the Amazon that is named after his (in)famous hair.

DTCat_PICClick to enlarge. Credit: Phil Torres

This is the “Donald Trump” caterpillar, more specifically a caterpillar of the flannel moth. It was uncovered by entomologist and TV host Phil Torres, who photographed the walking wig in the rainforests of Peru. The yellow “hair” it’s adorned with is actually setae, rigid, bristle-like structures that can deliver venom to anyone foolish enough to try and mess up its do. And foolish it would be — grabbing one of these caterpillars could put you in the hospital.

No word yet on the caterpillar’s politics, but I figure it probably runs on a platform of lower taxes on the top %1 of larvae.

IMAGES: Phil Torres

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