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The Dan Cave

6 Anime Series That Deserve a Reboot/Sequel

“Time is a flat circle,” Rust Cohle cryptically warned us on True Detective. “Everything we’ve ever done or will do, we’re gonna do over and over and over again.”

Over the last several years, we’ve seen this fatalistic maxim play out across the entertainment landscape as our collective childhoods are strip-mined and our nostalgia is microwaved and repackaged for a quick and easy profit. That may sound like a bleak pronouncement, but some of these remakes and long-dormant sequels have actually been well worth the wait — Ouroboros or not. Just look at Mad Max: Fury Road or 21 Jump Street. Now, it seems that anime is the latest medium to look to its past in order to invest in its future. Sailor Moon Crystal, Dragon Ball Super, Lupin III — these are just a few of the ever-increasing number of remakes, reboots, and sequel series that are popping up. And there’s no sign of stopping anytime soon.

So rather than shake our fists angrily at the heavens, whining about the death of original thought or proclaiming the end of anime as we know it, I prefer to remain hopeful. Hopeful that these new iterations of classic series can give new context, new purpose, or at the very least, expose new viewers to stories that captured our imaginations in the first place. Today on The Dan Cave, we’re going to examine a crop of anime titles that deserve a second chance in the form of a remake, reboot, or a sequel series. Because if we’re going to be repeating ourselves again and again into infinity, we may as well be remaking the best of the best. Except for Cowboy Bebop. Leave that shit alone because it’s perfect.

What anime series would you like to see given a second chance? Let us know in the comments below.

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of 100 Things Avengers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die. You can follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).

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