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The Cho-Vlog: 30 Second Game Review – Jaws of Hakkon

Hey everyone!!

Because of my current obsession with Periscope, my continually dwindling free time, AND my complete dismissal of any information that doesn’t come to me in video form, I’ve decided to switch out The Cho-Blog, with The Cho-Vlog!

That’s right! This is where I’ll be posting those goofy Nerdist News outtake videos of me being sick or just weird, my Super Fun Japanese Candy Explosion Time vids where I force Dan Casey and other Nerdist co-workers to eat my crazy Japanese candy finds. It’s also where I’ll be posting my “30 Second Game Reviews!”

You all know that I’m a massive Dragon Age fan (specifically, DA: Origins & DA: Inquisition and, although sub-par, I still enjoyed DA:II enough to finish it). So, it should come as no surprise that I’ve locked myself up in the War Room, plotting demises and sending out scouts, now that Jaws of Hakkon, the first DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition, has been released.

ChoVlog - JawsOfHakkon

I’ve decided to honor the first Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC by making it the subject of my first 30 Second Game Revies segment. (Note: This was shot with the Periscope app, so it is vertical/low-res.)

Here, in all its glory……. Dragon Age: Inquisition – Jaws of Hakkon – in 30 seconds (or less… I talk fast).

Twitter/Periscope: @JessicaChobot
Facebook: Jessica Chobot Fan Page
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