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The Best Cat Bed Is a STAR WARS Landspeeder Cat Bed

Somewhere on the dusty planet of Tatooine, there is a very happy feline named Padmé. Her joy has nothing to do with a male cat named Anakin. Nah, she’s pleased because she has the coolest cat bed this side of Coruscant. She gets to curl up in a cat-sized landspeeder, a catspeeder if you will. Anyone else feeling jealous of Padmé the cat?

This comfy looking landspeeder cat bed was made by the humans at Roxy’s Dream. The small company was founded in remembrance of a kitten that passed away at a young age. The owners of Roxy’s Dream make custom feline furnishings and donate ten percent of their profits to animal charities. Aww!


Over 40 hours went into crafting the catspeeder, and that’s all human labor — no astromechs. Each piece except the bed was made by hand from wood and other components. I mean, the catspeeder even has a little windshield to protect your furry companion from blowing sand. The little touches add up, and the paint job closely matches that on Luke Skywalker’s landspeeder in Star Wars: A New Hope. The catspeeder version is even weathered and aged and looks as though it’s been traveling to and from Tosche Station.

Flip through the gallery for a closer look:

If you feel the need to own a landspeeder cat bed of your very own, you can place a custom order. It will set you back $600. See more photos of the build process at the Roxy’s Dream Facebook page. I should note these folks have also made an AT-ST cat fort. They can do anything.

If you could build the geeky cat bed of your dreams (because let’s be honest, cats don’t care what their beds look like), what would you choose? A TARDIS, an AT-AT, or something else? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. My cat Luke NEEDS this.

  2. Jonathon says:

    My god Nerdist. Your web devs still cant code a proper photo gallery. Seriously this keeps me from coming to this site as often as id like. 

  3. Maris @LaughtAndLived says:

    Oh a TARDIS cat bed would be so cool. Hmmm, maybe that’s my next project.