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The Adventures of a Sylvanian Families Steampunk Bunny

Growing up I had a few small animal dolls, sweet faced with soft, furry flocking, they were a part of the Sylvanian Families collection. I loved mixing and matching them with my action figures and other toys and they just happened to be the perfect size for dollhouse fixtures. The toys easily lent themselves to any lifetsyle whether it was an imaginary dinner with friends or battling Transformers.

Sylvanian Families were collectible figurines that got their start in the early ’80s in Japan by the company Epoch. The toys were little anthropomorphic animals that lived pleasant lives in a fictional British village called Sylvania. The bunnies and bears lived normally, going to work as doctors and business owners, taking vacations, you know, like fake miniature animals do. Going on 25 years, they’ve stood the test of time and even made their way into animation and video games.

Now one artist has taken Sylvanian Families customization to the next level by creating a world where a Sylvanian bunny is the pilot of an spectacular Steampunk robot mecha. Created from an ordinary package of gum and a Gundam model kit, the robot morphs into a fully functioning machine. The rabbit gets a makeover too, a little dusty, a little dirty and oh yeah, he smokes too. Those things’ll kill ya, lil’bunny.

The artist has even created short stop-motion movies of the bunny and his robot. The footage makes you long for a full length feature of their adventures. So is this alternate universe or did the bunny get sick of genteel Sylvanian Family life and take off in a time machine for a dystopian future? Who’s to say?

Check out more photos of the Steampunk Sylvanian bunny on @almighty0404’s twitter.

What do you think of this unique customization? More important, do you think bunnies should smoke? Let us know in the comments!

HT: rocketnews24
IMAGES: @almighty0404

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