Please note: this recap contains spoilers for The 100’s second episode of season two, “Wanheda: Part Two.” Read at your own risk!
The 100 fans are split into two passionate groups: Bellarke ‘shippers and Clexa ‘shippers. (For those uninitiated, “Bellarke” is Bellamy and Clarke, and “Clexa” is Clarke and Lexa.) Both groups have been begging for reunions of their fan-favorite pairings, and in tonight’s episode, “Wanheda: Part Two,” both groups got what they asked for. Kind of. Maybe. Not really. Let’s recap!
The episode picked up three hours after Bellamy, Kane, Monty, and Indra found themselves in the middle of a trap while out searching for Clarke. They were waiting for their attackers to make the first move, and when they finally did, they were shocked to discover it’s the missing Farm Station—including Monty’s mom! Kane was shocked to meet up with his old friend Pike again, who’s been leading 63 of his people on the ground ever since they crash landed. But there’s one big difference between the Farm Station and Arkadia: they pride themselves on being Grounder killers. Their time on the ground has seen no truces like the rest of the Arkers, since they landed in the ruthless Ice Nation. And they don’t exactly understand why Kane and the rest of Arkadia are so willing to trust Grounders, no matter which clan they’re from.
While the rest of Farm Station made their way to Arkadia, Pike and Monty’s mom joined their scouting party to find Clarke, who had been taken by a Grounder bounty hunter. Our girl was doing everything she could to escape, and tried to fight her way away from him. In the fray, water washed out her red hair dye disguise … as well as the Grounder’s war paint covering the Ice Nation markings on his face. Pretty much a worst case scenario for her.
When the search party reached Niylah’s trading post (Clarke’s … ahem, friend from the premiere), they saved her from another bounty hunter looking for Wanheda. Niylah told them another scout from Ice Nation was looking for her as well, and Pike found fresh tracks, sending them hot on Clarke’s trail. Meanwhile, her Ice Nation captor ran into three other scouts from his clan, but instead of teaming up with his own people like we all thought he would, he ruthlessly and skillfully killed them all. Clarke managed to stab her captor when he recaptured her, but once again he got the upper hand. (Because he’s badass.) Is it wrong to crush on a clear enemy of our girl Clarke? Because we are. We totally are. But why didn’t he join up with his fellow people?
We’re getting there.
While the Ice Nation warrior and Clarke continued to make their way to his queen so he can collect the bounty on her head, her search party saw her from afar. All Bellamy wanted to do was run after her (our Bellarke hearts are breaking, y’all!) but an Ice Nation army was right on their heels, and they couldn’t make it to her without being spotted. So they hid in a cave until the army was gone while Indra made her way back to Lexa to warn her of the rebel army marching towards Polis.
While in hiding, the Ice Nation warrior opened up a little to Clarke: he was banished by his people, whereas she left hers by choice. That’s why he had to kill those other Ice Nation scouts and why he’s taking her to his queen: to earn his way back to his people. Clarke is his ticket home. During this quieter moment, we also learned why Pike is so hellbent on killing Grounders: when Farm Station landed in the snow, the Ice Nation began killing their kids, and they’ve been fighting Grounders ever since. Pike sees no difference between Trikru or Ice Nation. And that’s going to be a big problem for the rest of Arkadia.
But while they were trading war stories, Bellamy took a chance and stole some Ice Nation clothing from one of the dead scouts Clarke’s captor killed, and went out in disguise into the heart of the army to find Clarke’s trail again. He found her tied up in a cave, and the smile they shared with each other when they locked eyes gave us life! Until, of course, the Ice Nation dude showed up and almost killed Bellamy. Clarke begged him not to hurt Bellamy and bargained for his life: if she stopped fighting him, then Bellamy could go free. Injured, of course, but free. She was willing to once again sacrifice herself for Bellamy! We can’t take much more of this.
After the Ice Nation warrior stabbed Bellamy in the leg, he made his way back to the rest of the scouting party. He wanted to keep going after Clarke, but Monty convinced him he needed medical attention or else he would bleed out and die. Bellamy would only listen to him, though, after he promised they would find Clarke some other way. Bellamy’s dedication to his old co-leader is absolutely heartbreaking. And so beautiful. And so tragic. Ugh.
But maybe he shouldn’t be so worried: the Ice Nation warrior didn’t bring Clarke to the Ice Nation queen … he brought her to Lexa! However, this was not the Clexa reunion fans were hoping for, either. No kisses, no hugs, no smiles, just screams. Turns out the bounty hunter’s deal was with Lexa, and not the Ice Nation queen: if he brought her Clarke, she woud lift his banishment. But since Indra brought her news of the Ice Nation army marching on her people, she refused to honor their deal. She also revealed his identity: Prince Roan, son of the Ice Nation queen. Whoa!
Back at Arkadia, Lincoln was shocked to find his old Grounder friend Niko badly hurt by Ice Nation warriors, seeking Abby’s help. But the only place that has the right blood type as his was Mount Weather, a.k.a. the one place they can’t take Grounders for fear of breaking their truce. But Lincoln wouldn’t let his friend die, and told Abby to take him there anyways. They treated him inside Mount Weather and the good they did convinced Abby to open up the mountain to more of their people. This is not going to end well, especially since Jasper was loose in the art storage room, destroying priceless works of art until he found Maya’s favorite piece. Octavia found him breaking down and comforted him, and it was shocking to see just how far these two have come since they first landed on Earth. Remember when he was crushing on her? Man, so much has happened!
On the boat leaving what Murphy thought was the “City of Light,” Jaha continued to meditate, which is how he got to A.L.I.E.’s real (?) City of Light. Maybe? It’s supposedly a place with no pain, and A.L.I.E. wants to fill it with every human, ever. But it’s not an actual place, right? Just an illusion? This is all very confusing. And it doesn’t feel right. Emori told Murphy A.L.I.E. recruited her to steal tech and bring it to Jaha’s goon on the island. But she decided to steal the goon’s mysterious backpack, and when he attacked her, she ended up killing him.
When Jaha and Emori’s friend Otan came back from their walk, it’s clear that he ate a City of Light chip, making him Jaha’s newest pawn. Someone else is drinking the kool-aid! That’s when Murphy realized the mysterious backpack contained A.L.I.E.’s hardware, so he threw it in the water and escaped with Emori on the boat. But Jaha wasn’t worried—A.L.I.E. showed him that there’s no death in the City of Light, and his murdered goon appeared with no injuries or facial deformities, just like Otan. Whaaaaatttt? This is pretty crazy.
What did you think of the Bellarke and Clexa reunions, The 100 fans? Let’s discuss in the comments below, or over on Twitter!
Images: The CW
The 100 airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.