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THE 100 Recap: ‘The Four Horsemen’ Finally Give Us Some Hope

THE 100 Recap: ‘The Four Horsemen’ Finally Give Us Some Hope

Warning: the following recap contains major spoilers from Wednesday’s episode of The 100, “The Four Horsemen.” It is a recap, after all! You’ve been warned …

The 100 has officially come full circle. We started off with 100 juvenile delinquents sent from the Ark down to Earth at the very beginning of the series, and now Clarke and Bellamy have to decide on which 100 people will be inside the Ark when the second apocalypse hits on Earth. What brutally, beautifully gruesome poetry! Of course all our favorite players will make it on the list, as they’re essentially VIPs, so it’s not like we have to worry about anyone, but Clarke wasn’t ready to make the list, let alone give up hope on another viable solution to save the other 400 Skaikru or the Grounder clans. That’s why she spent most of the hour, “The Four Horsemen,” doing everything she could to find another way to make it through the apocalypse.

Along with Bellamy and Jaha (of all people, ugh), Clarke went on a day trip expedition to try and find a doomsday cult’s bunker that was popular before the first apocalypse hit, able to hold thousands of people. She hoped that the cult had survived in their bunker all these years and would be open to letting them all in before the radiation wave hit. Upon finding the bunker and busting open the door, Clarke had to face the undeniable truth. Unfortunately, the head of the cult was a fraud and the bunker wasn’t sealed properly, killing everyone inside of it 97 years earlier. That also meant the bunker wouldn’t work for Skaikru and Grounders now.

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Faced with no other choice, finally accepting the inevitable, Clarke made her list of the 100 people who would get the golden ticket, and Bellamy was number 99. But she couldn’t write her own name down as number 100, so he took the pen and did it for her. They planned to put the list away and hope to never have to use it, but someone is totally going to find it. I can see how finding the List (now officially capitalized) and not seeing your name on it would cause some issues. I’m thinking riots are in our future.

But maybe there’s another way to survive after all! A group of Grounders, including the last Nightblood Luna, showed up at Arkadia for Skaikru medicine, showing signs of late stage acute radiation sickness from eating irradiated fish. All of them died despite Abby and Clarke trying to save them … except for Luna. She actually got better without any medicine, meaning her Nightblood DNA could be the key to surviving the radiation. Finally, a glimmer of hope! I love how mythology first introduced over a season ago plays a major part in the plot moving forward.

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However, there’s some (more) bad news to deal with first: the radiation poisoning combined with fish dying in the sea means that everyone actually has less time than they thought before the radiation death wave hits. Instead of six months … they only have two months, maybe less. Time to get cracking on that Nightblood radiation cure.

Meanwhile, in Polis, Indra’s estranged daughter (!!!) stole the Flame from Roan, believing him to be unfit to hold it since he wasn’t a chosen Nightblood. Did we know about Indra’s daughter before this? She had clearly been taught how to fight by her mother, but was more loyal to her faith as a Flamekeeper than to her family or Trikru people. But she worked with Octavia and Indra to save the Flame from being destroyed by Grounder looters led by Ilian looking to eradicate all tech from Polis. The trio gave the looters a fake Flame, and so now everyone believes it to be destroyed. But the Flamekeeper has the real one, holding onto it for the rightful next Commander. That means Roan will now have to keep his Commander throne through fighting and violence. A lot of people are going to have to die to keep him in command.

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Other noteworthy moments

– Shout out to Clarke’s “friend” Nylah! Did anyone else catch that at the very beginning of the hour? Raven said that help from Clarke’s Grounder friend with benefits Nylah has been very helpful in preserving meat for rations as they prepare to seal up the Ark. Has Clarke has been getting more than just a helping hand in rationing recently? Nudge nudge, wink wink. I am all for this.

– Murphy and Emori were also feeling the effects of the incoming death wave, as their hunting out in the wilderness starting wielding less and less food as small species started dying off. Murphy decided to steal rations from Arkadia to help them survive. But while inside, he overheard Abby arguing with Raven about rationing meds for the incoming apocalypse, so he realized they needed to move into Arkadia to be safe. Their plan is to make themselves “useful.” I am constantly impressed with Murphy’s survival skills.

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– Raven trying to motivate Clarke into making the list by telling her that Clarke’s specialty is choosing who lives and who dies was cold. Ice cold. But also kind of true?

– I am so over Jaha. I get his main goal is to save his people, but he fails every. Single. Time. This time, he didn’t cause as much bloodshed and death as he usually does, but he did waste an entire day and the use of a rover seeking out a dead end. Boo, Jaha. Booooo. Just sit back and follow orders. You are not the leader you think you are. You are not the savior of your people. You are arrogant. You are stubborn. And you are always wrong, causing problems for everyone. Ugh.

The 100 airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on The CW.

What did you think of this week’s episode of The 100? Tweet me @SydneyBucksbaum!

Images: The CW

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