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Episode 81: Terrified
Georgea Brooks

Terrified #81: Georgea Brooks

Georgea Brooks is a comedian from Los Angeles by way of Toronto. She and Dave discuss intimidation by men in different capacities, and how it’s changed the way she carries herself and sees the world. They go further to discuss assault and abuse of women by men, and how it’s affected her. Dave was floored by the interview. They also discuss Jon Schabl!

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  1. brian says:

    I don’t want to generalize, but guys do need to have more exposure to this, or a better education on the topic. Thanks to Georgea for sharing.

  2. victoria says:

    This episode really resonated with me,  the same thing happened to me when I was a teen. Georgea was so brave for sharing and it made me feel a little less alone. I hope she knows it wasn’t her fault at all. Thank you Dave for speaking with such kindness and sensitivity.

  3. AnonBadasssurvivor says:

    I will just say that if anyone here,listening has experienced something as dreadful as this,please seek out someone you can talk to,that you trust. because it will help endlessly,It certainly helped me