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STREET FIGHTER’s Ryu & Fire Emblem’s Roy Coming to SUPER SMASH BROS.

Is it E3 already? Might as well be, with all of the news that’s leaked over the last couple of weeks. Today’s first leak comes by way of Nintendo, after their most recent update file for Super Smash Bros. Wii U was inadvertently released ahead of time. Hackers were able to extract data from the file before Nintendo could remove it from public servers, uncovering DLC character victory videos for Fire Emblem‘s Roy, and Street Fighter‘s poster boy Ryu. You can check out Ryu’s video above, and Roy’s victory video below.

Also discovered within the file was Ryu’s classic stage from Street Fighter II, the old Dreamland 64 stage and a Splatoon Inkling Girl Trophy. While there are a ton of Fire Emblem characters in the game already, this is the first time a Street Fighter character has made the cross over into the world of Super Smash Bros., which is sure to be an enticing addition to the cast for anyone who’s a die hard fighting game fan. I can already imagine the amount of frame traps and Shoryuken edge guard maneuvers that are sure to come when high level players get their hands on Ryu. Unfortunately, this pretty much spoils this Super Smash Bros. surprise, which was sure to be on the way at this Tuesday’s E3 Nintendo’s Direct presentation. No word yet on whether these characters will be coming to the 3DS version. Here’s a look at the different color options these characters will get, also contained in the leaked update file:


Do these additions to the Super Smash Bros. Wii U cast make you want to hop into the game STAT? Or would you prefer for Ryu to stay away from your favorite Nintendo-based brawler? Hadoken your thoughts into the comments below.

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