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So Typical

National Geographic has been doing a series about the challenges facing the world as the population closes in on 7 billion, and as part of that, they’ve posted this video about the “World’s Most Typical Person,” with some additional specific random statistics. It’s a promo for the series, and it’s short, but watch it and see if you’re “typical”:

The March issue of the magazine has a poster with a composite face of that most typical person, if you’re interested; that face, also in the video, is shown here.

HT: Devour

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  1. Patrick says:

    So can the typical person fight like Jet Li too?

  2. Marianne says:

    It scares me a little that the most typical person looks like Jon Gosselin

  3. Coconutphone says:

    Yep, works perfect now! Great vid.

  4. Deltus says:

    The video was removed for me too, until I opened this post in it’s own page instead of from the home page, when the video then played. Odd. Good video, though.

  5. Thanks- replaced it with updated code. I know that NatGeo was working on fixing an image in the original, but they must have just pulled the original and posted the fixed version as a new video. Should work now.

  6. Coconutphone says:

    Hey Perry the vid has been removed by the user. The next suggested vid though does work.