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SMALL TOWN POKÉMON GO Hilariously Parodies the Game’s Downside

Pokémon Go has been the mobile gaming phenomena of the summer, but it’s not always the easiest title to play if you live in the middle of nowhere. That’s the basis for Small Town Pokémon Go, a very funny and extremely NSFW animated parody video from AOK.

AOK is the newly launched YouTube channel of several former animators and writers behind Fox’s ADHD, which previously produced Scientifically Accurate Ducktales and Chip & Dale’s Rescue Rangers, as well as a Legend of Zelda parody, and several other memorable animated shorts. Small Town Pokémon Go is the first new video from AOK, and they clearly haven’t lost their touch. If anything, AOK seems to be free from any previous constraints from Fox, as they unleash a savage takedown of the game with a few F-bombs in the song lyrics.

Using the classic Pokémon theme as a springboard, Small Town Pokémon Go tells the story of an Ash Ketchum wannabe who can’t fully enjoy the game because it wasn’t designed with players like him in mind. His only local rival is the gas station owner, and the only Pokémon he seems to be able to find is Rattata. Too many Rattatas, in fact. Our unnamed protagonist proclaims Rattata to be his best friend, because he has no other friends. But unfortunately for Rattata, that love turns to some pretty deadly resentment by the end of the song.

And for you lovebirds out there, there’s a Pokémon sketch for that, too!

What did you think about Small Town Pokémon Go? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Image: AOK

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