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Episode : SleepyCast
'Magnum Opus' with Doug Aarniokoski, Don Todd and Nicole Beharie

SleepyCast #14: ‘Magnum Opus’ with Doug Aarniokoski, Don Todd and Nicole Beharie

As season two of Sleepy Hollow gets an episode closer to its mid-season finale the SleepyCast discusses the latest episode “Magnum Opus” with writer and supervising producer Don Todd, director Doug Aarniokoski, and series lead Nicole Beharie.

Don’t forget to subscribe to SleepyCast: The Official Sleepy Hollow Podcast for new episodes even during the December hiatus! Subscribe on iTunes and reach out to host Clarke Wolfe with your questions for the cast and crew of Sleepy Hollow!

Need to catch up with Sleepy Hollow before this week’s new episode? Watch last week’s episode and all of season one only on Hulu.

And catch up with the SleepyCast: Listen to all the episodes here!

Watch Sleepy Hollow every Monday at 9 pm (ET/PT) on Fox!

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