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Sir Patrick Stewart, Elijah Wood, Violent Femmes, and You: Upcoming Podcasts

Coming up this week on the Nerdist Podcast Network (subject, as always, to scheduling, pre-emption, plague, locusts, and which-button-did-I-hit-UNDO-UNDO-UNDO-crap):

*Sir Patrick Stewart himself, back on the Nerdist Podcast, this time a proper, in-studio interview (last one was a con panel) and he’s promoting his comedy on Starz, Blunt Talk, but there are also Wil Wheaton stories and political observations, and stories about working with Sir Ian McKellen and Rod Steiger and how Captain Picard almost had hair and a French accent.

*Elijah Wood on the Nerdist Podcast and he has cooties. Or, more precisely, he’s in a movie coming next month called Cooties. And he talks about being a child actor, acting in landmark movies, DJ-ing, and producing.

*Violent Femmes on the Nerdist Podcast! For people like myself for whom the Femmes were huge in college radio days (in other words, us Olds), this one’s huge. Actually, even if all you know is “Blister in the Sun” from incessant play on KROQ and other alt-rock radio stations, it’s pretty cool to hear them back and recording and telling their story, from the early days in Milwaukee to becoming alternative rock staples through the benefit of left-of-the-dial airplay. Yes, there is singing. And Kyle Clark.

*That very special fan-sourced edition of The Indoor Kids with contributions from you, and you, and especially you.

*Lachlan Patterson back for part two of his two-part appearance on The Todd Glass Show

*And actors Ed Skrein (Game of Thrones, The Transporter: Refueled, Ajax in the upcoming Deadpool) and Loan Chabanol (also in The Transporter: Refueled) on Today We Learned.

Plus more, of course. You’ll find it all this week at the Nerdist Podcast Network homepage and you can stay on top of every episode’s release at the Nerdist Podcast Network Facebook page. There’s always something worth hearing there, so join us, okay? Okay.

Contributor: Kyle Clark
Blunt Talk, Starz

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