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See John Malkovich in Action in the New CALL OF DUTY: ADVANCED WARFARE Exo Zombies Havoc Trailer

If you were bummed that a zombie mode–which has been a staple in the Call of Duty franchise since World At War–was absent from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on launch, hopefully the new trailer for the Exo Zombies mode Activision and Sledgehammer Games revealed today will prove it worth the wait.

This time around, four untrained and clearly unprepared Atlas employees are forced to survive a zombie apocalypse thanks to their friends at the Atlas Corporation. While at first glance, this sounds like your ordinary run of the mill undead adventure, the developers have added a delightful little twist: the zombies are wearing exo skeletons just like you! This will definitely prove to be an interesting change in terms of gameplay.

Like previous entries, Exo Zombies features a star studded cast. John Malkovich, Bill Paxton, Rose McGowan and Jon Bernthal (who must be right at home in zombie land) were revealed as the playable characters for the cooperative multiplayer mode. As shown in the trailer, the four will fight hordes of technologically advanced zombies at the Atlas facility. Malkovich, who plays a maintenance man in the DLC, clearly is not happy with what his employer has been up to.

While the zombie mode always came free of charge with the base game, that isn’t the case for Advanced Warfare. Unfortunately, this time around, you’ll need to purchase the Havoc DLC which releases on Xbox Live–with other consoles to follow–on January 27, 2015 if you want to test your strength against these undead demons.

Does this make you want to pick up the Havoc DLC? Could there be a worst possible place for a zombie apocalypse to break out? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below. 

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  1. Paladin says:

    I have to hand it to the Activision exec’s.  They keep thinking up ways for folks to give them more money for less of a product.  You commented on it in the first sentence, how zombies have been a staple since World at War.  I’ll bet there was some type of staff meeting early on where they were trying to figure out how to hook more folks into buying the DLC.  Someone probably jokingly said “Hey, lets give them less of a story mode, a multiplayer mode full of bugs and exploits, take out zombies and then offer them as part of the DLC.”  And that’s when one of the big wigs probably sat back in his seat and remarked “Hey, you might just have something there.” 
    So, first they throw in the lines with zombies as the bait to see how many folks will bite.  Next thing you know they’ll advertise an “Expanded story line” available with DLC.  And I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to throw in rereleased map packs marketed as “Back by popular demand.”  Let’s face it.  It can’t be too hard to update Dome or Nuketown again.  So what if they have flaws, we’ll just add them to the list with Solar and Horizon.