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Rumor: ASSASSIN’S CREED Franchise Taking 2016 off, Next Title Set in Egypt

A new year, a new Ubisoft. Wait, what?

A rumor has been circulating around the web today that the next Assassin’s Creed–codenamed “Empire”–iteration will take place in Egypt. Now, that alone is pretty rad, but the biggest shocker from this rumor is that the AC franchise is supposedly going to be taking a break this year, and will instead be launching in 2017. Crazy, right?

That’s not the end of it though. Apparently a sequel to Watch Dogs will be taking the Ubisoft mantle this year. Yay? Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t anything wrong with the aforementioned game, except being kind of boring. If this turns out to be true, hopefully Ubisoft will be able to deliver on the promise of making the player feel like the ultimate hacking machine.

The rumor originated on 4chan, but was later confirmed by Kotaku (who has been proven to be correct on AC rumors before) by one of their sources. As per usual, take this information with a grain of salt.

But, there is a whole lot to unpack here. First, Egypt. Man, that does sound great. The type of gameplay that could be introduced (like climbing pyramids for example) sounds interesting. As for the break, I’ve been pleading for this to happen. This franchise has grown stale in a lot of ways, and hasn’t evolved enough in the past few years.

What do you guys think about this rumor? Could Ubisoft really brave enough to let AC have a break? What do you want in a Watch Dogs‘ sequel? Let us know in the comments below.

HT: PushSquare

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