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Rocket and Groot Get Even More Adorable in New MONDO Figure

Three years ago, Rocket Raccoon and Groot were the biggest question marks about the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Who wants to watch  a superhero sci-fi movie with a talking raccoon and a giant walking tree? Quite a few people, it turned out, turning Groot and Rocket into the film’s breakout characters. And now they’re finally getting a Mondo figure as an homage.

The company has announced a new limited edition Rocket and Groot vinyl figure celebrating their unique bond. It’s based upon the artwork that Mike Mitchell created for his Just Like Us art series, and even the name of this figure is adorable. It’s the “Rocket and Groot: Treehugger.”Rocket and Groot Vinyl 1As you can see from the pic, you also get a Baby Groot in a pot figure to go along with Rocket and regular-sized Groot. All three figures were designed by Mitchell in conjunction with Willem-Paul Van Overbruggen and Unbox Industries. Mondo has set a $65 price for this figure and you can order it right now! But make it quick, because you’ve only got until Monday, June 5 to get an order in before it gets pulled from the site. To find out more or place an order, just hop over to Mondo’s official page.

What do you think about the new Rocket and Groot Vinyl figure? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Bonus points if you find a new way to say “I Am Groot!”

Images: Mondo / Marvel 

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