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This RICK AND MORTY-Inspired Song Checks in on Beth After Season 3

Near the end of Rick and Morty‘s third season, a visit to Froopyland led Beth to realize that she really is her father’s daughter. And that thought scared her so much that Beth briefly considered Rick’s offer to clone her and let her go explore the cosmos without her family. The third season finale was somewhat ambiguous regarding Beth’s clone status, and it may be a long time before we get an answer.

Thankfully, Whitney Avalon‘s new Rick and Morty inspired song casts her as Beth some time after the events of last season. And while Beth claims that she’s “fine,” her lyrics suggest otherwise. And there’s even a broad hint that Beth isn’t even the real “Beth.”

There are a few familiar faces throughout the video, including Taddy, Jacqueline, Dr. Wong, and the clone of Beth’s childhood friend, Tommy. Note that Tommy is still wearing the T-shirt proclaiming his father’s innocence. This video also shows Beth at her most self-aware, which goes even further than anything we’ve ever seen in the show. During the verses of the song, Beth calls out her father for his destructive behavior and his less than stellar track record as a parent.

Avalon’s cameo as another Beth certainly suggests that she believes the Beth who stayed is the clone. There was also a terrific visual callback to the second season premiere, as Beth’s possible actions splintered her personal timeline into four possibilities.

What do you think about Avalon’s new Rick and Morty song? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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Images: Whitney Avalon 

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