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Review: SON OF GOD

Christopher Spencer’s Son of God was, as you probably know, whittled into a feature film out of the Jesus portions of last year’s epically successful cable TV miniseries The Bible. And while some additional footage was shot (by other directors) to turn the original miniseries chapters into a more whole and cohesive feature film, it still feels like a piece of something larger. Indeed, so much incident is quickly passed over in this movie, that it starts to feel like a recap of last week’s episode of Christ’s life. Call it Previously on Jesus.

Son of God seems to strike all the visuals of a biblical epic just right, although without the gigantic budget to make it feel truly epic. The costumes and Moroccan settings all seem to strive for a classically Christian look, and the actors – for the most part – visually embody the biblical figures we are all familiar with. Some of the CGI settings look especially low-rent, however, and the less-than-cinematic digital photography is unfortunately noticeable. In short, Son of God looks like a TV miniseries, despite the expansion and cinematic additions.


More than that, though, Son of God condenses many of Christ’s teachings and beatific philosophies into what can amount to a glorified highlights reel. We get Jesus (Portuguese babe Diogo Morgado) reciting some of his more famous aphorisms, usually within a brief, immediately recognizably biblical scene, all sadly free of a larger context. Since the Nativity portion of his life was skipped in this version, and we never see John the Baptist, Jesus appears on screen essentially fully formed. And while it’s fair to assume that audiences know the details of this story (Jesus is arguably the most famous person in all of Western Civilization), a more coherent storytelling approach would have been appreciated. At the very least, Jesus himself seems to have a bit more character than in previous iterations. Here, finally, is a Christ who smiles while he teaches, even if he is a bit aloof.

But if the point of this adaptation was to depict Christ as an aloof spiritual leader, full of peaceful ideas so ineffably advanced that most people have trouble catching up to his Godlike ideals, then Son of God still would have benefited from a more rich portrait of his disciples and how they reacted to living with someone like Jesus. The disciples move as a vague unit in this movie, only speaking up when biblical text requires them to. We get no sense of any of these people other than St. John (Sebastian Knapp), who gives brief pieces of narration to string the story together. Even Mary Magdalene (Amber Rose Revah), a fascinating figure, is reduced to a kind of one-of-the-boys Gal Friday.


Like many Christ stories, this Greatest Story Ever Told clearly prefers to focus on Jesus’ torture and crucifixion over his teachings and ideas. Christ’s martyrdom is central to many Christian churches, so it tends to be the crux of most filmed Jesus stories. Sadly, that means the bulk of Jesus’ life is, in Son of God, relegated to the first hour of film, while the following 73 minutes all deal with the trial and the execution. After Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, one would think we’ve seen enough of Jesus getting the everlovin’ snot beaten out of him. Worthy of note: Son of God is being released in theaters nearly ten years to the day after The Passion of the Christ. I guess Ash Wednesday has now become the unofficial crucifixion movie date.

Son of God seems to lack perspective. It makes so many assumptions of the audience, that it feels perfunctory throughout, and, as a result, bland. Again, I think it’s safe to make assumptions when dealing with an historical figure like Jesus Christ, but that doesn’t grant the filmmakers a reprieve from making a solid and structured feature film with character and richness. I don’t necessarily need a bold new controversial interpretation of the Christ story (like, say, Scorsese’s excellent 1988 controversy magnet The Last Temptation of Christ), but I would at least appreciate some texture.

Rating: 2.5 Burritos

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  1. Drarry says:

    Love the book Lamb. One of my favorites.

  2. tinman says:

    Let’s face it, the belief in a supposed Jesus is illogical and unfounded. There were no historians contemporary to the time of the supposed Jesus that ever heard of such a man. The gospels were written by unknown writers well after the supposed death of Jesus, so at best are hearsay, and in reality are works of fiction. Miracles like the virgin birth, walking on water, raising from the dead, etc. are physically impossible, lending even more support to the ideas that the bible is mostly a work of fiction. Most importantly, the parallels between Jesus and other god-man myths are uncanny, such as Buddha, Horus, Krishna, Dionysus. Attis, etc. Jesus was just another incarnation of existing mythos, he added nothing new to philosophy, as the “golden rule” had already been around at least a 1000 years.

  3. Waltimus says:

    What?! you don’t like a movie and are overly critical?! Sssshocking!

  4. Jack says:

    I remember back in the day when Passion of the Christ came out. I was not (and still am not) a Christian. Many of my friends were religious and recommended I watch it. Whether this was a thinly veiled attempt at conversion or simply a way to help me understand what they saw in their religion I don’t know. Needless to say the two hour of torture porn that followed only made me wonder why anyone would want to follow such a barbaric faith. I too was hoping to see something from Christ’s life and not simply his horrendous death.

  5. Joe Bua (@JoeWatchesTV) says:

    This will make a ton of money. This market segment will support anything that gets the A.O.K from a megachurch pastor, in this case Rick Warren does the honors. He’s got a big network and a lot of sway.

    What’s sad though is that all these people already saw this on TV. They’re just getting their wallets wrung out by Mark Burnett. He knows that if he puts a Bible-era film out there that very earnest people of faith will go support it, they’re trained to do such by the very talented marketing people who work with these pastors and write the copy in their publications and on their websites.

    If you frequent everything faith-based you get less than great product. If it doesn’t have to be good to make money it won’t be, trust me.

  6. Shirley says:

    You should read, “Lamb: The Gospel According to Bif” by Christopher Moore. It’s hilarious, irreverent, and surprisingly close to Gospel. Much more interesting than what your review indicates for this movie. I re-read it every year around Lent to remind me that Jesus was supposed to be God and Man.