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Relive the Interspecies Heartbreak of Our HATOFUL BOYFRIEND Livestream [NSFW]

What happens when you send Jessica Chobot to find love at an elite academic institution for hyperintelligent pigeons? You get our livestream of the batshit (or should I say birdshit) crazy dating sim Hatoful Boyfriend. Yes, that’s right — it’s a game where a human who lives in a cave is sent to a prestigious academy where he or she tries to date pigeons. Why did we play such a strange game, you ask? Well, apart from our undying love of our fine feathered friends, it was in honor of the brand new FXX series Man Seeking Woman, which debuts tonight at 10:30PM.

The TV show takes a look at the high stakes, life-or-death world of dating — except there’s one twist: everything is taken literally. So when our hero (Jay Baruchel) says his ex-girlfriend is now literally dating Hitler, well you’d better believe she’s at the Olive Garden with Adolf himself. Naturally, we thought that a video game in which we’re essentially living out the life of the bird lady from Home Alone 2: Lost in New York would be the perfect tie-in.

Oh, and make sure you watch all the way to the end of the playthrough because things get unexpectedly freaky.

Also, be warned that language gets a little bit salty at times — as do the viewer’s stories — so this video is likely NSFW. But then again, why would you be watching a video about interspecies bird love at work anyway?

FXX’s Man Seeking Woman premieres tonight at 10:30 PM.

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  1. Thursday says:

    So… Where is it?