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“Ratchet & Clank” Get an Animated Movie in 2015


Anyone who’s had the pleasure of playing Insomniac Games and Sony Computer Entertainment’s Ratchet & Clank series has probably thought to themselves, “Hey, this kind of feels like a movie! Why isn’t this a movie yet?” Well, today your inner monologues were answered, as Variety revealed that Rainmaker Entertainment and Blockade Entertainment are teaming up to bring the delightful dynamic duo to the big screen, with a target release of 2015.

First introduced in 2002, the games themselves play out like an alternate reality Pixar film. Ratchet, the last of the lombax (the Mohican equivalent of marmoset-lemur-chimera creatures), and his trusty stainless steel sidekick Clank, a dapper but diminuitive robot, attempt to defend the Solana Galaxy from nefarious alien villains like Chairman Drek, fallen superhero Ace Hardlight, and Ultron-by-way-of-Kang equivalent Professor Nefarious. Can’t you just picture it coming together already?

Given that the film is based on a script by Insomniac Games senior writer TJ Fixman, fans worried about maintaining the game’s signature style and off-kilter humor should rest easy, especially after watching the official announcement trailer. Directed by Jericca Cleland, the film also promises to keep much of the original voice talent intact with James A. Taylor (Ratchet), David Kaye (Clank), and Jim Ward (Qwark) already attached to the project. Your move, Wreck-It-Ralph 2.

Are you looking forward to a Ratchet & Clank film? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. zack says:

    bout time

  2. Tyler says:

    i cant wait For It To Come Out

  3. Finn Nicolas says:

    I have been playing Ratchet and Clank for about 10 years now (I’m 15) and i must say, that looked fucking amazing. If the movie lives up to that promo, then we will have a great movie on our hands.

  4. CXRengel says:

    They’re doing the right thing by making it an animated movie, and in the style from the games. Keeping the humor intact helps as well.

  5. Mccrackelz says:

    SCUSE ME! edit: The twelve year old in me just stood up and yelled “FINALLY!”

  6. Mccrackelz says:

    the twelve year old (currently 23) juSt stood up and yelled “FINALLY!!!”