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Rapper Releases Mix Tape Entirely Based on DRAGON BALL Z

If you have lived in the past 26 years, and frequent this site in any capacity, chances are you have at least heard of Dragon Ball Z. There may even be a chance that you love Dragon Ball Z. Do you love Dragon Ball Z so much you would create an entire album dedicated to one story arc from it? If the answer is no, than you are not Toronto-based rapper Sese.

Sese’s newest mixtape, titled Sese is Lord Frieza: The Frieza Saga, which is currently available to listen to in its entirety on Soundcloud, plays out as if Sese is the hip-hop mouthpiece for Lord Frieza, one of the most popular villains in Dragon Ball Z history. Including pieces of music and dialogue from the original English and Japanese versions of the anime series, Sese takes listeners on a journey through Dragon Ball Z’s Frieza Saga in a mixtape that plays out as a quasi-concept-album for the popular story arc. Including a diss-track aimed at Vegeta, and tracks highlighting each of Frieza’s evolutions throughout the story, Sese does not stick 100% to retelling the events of the FUNimation! series. Instead, the mixtape plays out as a collection of diss-tracks and brags representing Frieza’s strangely hip-hop-influenced stream of consciousness during his fight with Goku and friends.

Sese also closes out the mixtape with a small portion of the song “F,” a Frieza-centric track from J-Rock band Maximum The Hormone. Needless to say, if you have even casually experienced the show, this mixtape is worth checking out. You don’t have to be a fan of the show, however, to enjoy Sese’s mixtape. Even based strictly on its hip-hop merits the tracks are highly enjoyable to listen to, and Sese proves that his boasted skills are not just talk.

In and interview with Vice, Sese commented on his desire to create the album out of a love for Dragon Ball Z and his connection between the show and rap. “Everyone on [DBZ] is trying to level-up their powers and be the strongest fighter, and that’s pretty much how I look at the rap game — rappers want to be the best, they want to be the next guy and then the creative juices started flowing.” His obsession with Frieza seems to stem out of sheer respect as well. “[Frieza’s] like the meanest, coolest, evilest dude who just destroys planets. And he wanted to be the baddest and that’s how I feel about this rap ****, I want to destroy everything.” You can check out the rest of the interview over on Vice’s site where they also put Sese’s Dragon Ball Z knowledge to the test.

I recommend any fan of Dragon Ball Z, or hip-hop, or both check out the mix tape below. I know when I started it, I couldn’t stop listening, so I recommend you set a little bit of time aside to get the full experience. So, be sure you put some time aside for it. Also be sure to sound off about the mixtape in the comments below!

HT – Vice

Featured Image – DragonWorldz

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