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PREMIERE: Monogem’s ‘Wait and See’ Wanders into Our Hearts

It might be hokey to say but it’s no less true: those nights spent wandering in a city littered with opportunity by one’s self can be the most satisfying of all. You notice more; you see the world differently, you get inspired, you find hope. Which feels to be at the center of Monogem’s latest video for their track “Wait and See”—trust us when we say the possibility the song posits will leave you tingling with anticipation. Hey: it’s why we’re premiering the video on this here li’l site in the first place, y’all!

“Wait and See” follows an older rock fella as he wanders the city’s latest evolution of nightlife living on the streets of Los Angeles. As he meets new faces, experiences different worlds within the city, and even bumps into a concert featuring the band itself, you get a sense of limitlessness in the song’s cozy synth. It’s wistful without overt saccharine-ism.

If you’re not familiar with Monogem, allow us to introduce: the stage name for musician Jen Hirsh’s dreamed-up, soulful electro-pop, the group’s recent EP premiered with Interview Magazine in February of this year and is chockablock with even more glittering, thoughtful tunes made for introspective dancing (because that is 100% a thing). “Wait and See” is one in a line of songs and singles bursting with that other-worldly juxtaposition of near-shoegaze-y vibes and soulful singing. Perfect for that nighttime drive you’ll inevitably end up taking on your winding road of choice.

And for those of you in Los Angeles, Monogem will be performing at 8PM on September 1st—as a part of Tunesday—at the Mondrian Hotel’s Skybar.

What do you think of “Wait and See”? Let us hear it in the comments.

Alicia Lutes is the Associate Editor of The Nerdist. Find her on Twitter @alicialutes.

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