Jackie Earle Haley is no stranger to comic book adaptations, but his latest gig is a much deeper cut than he’s used to.
Haley has reportedly been signed to appear in six episodes of AMC’s Preacher as Odin Quincannon, a frequent nemesis of the title character, Jesse Custer (Dominic Cooper). In the Preacher comic book series by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon, Haley’s character was the owner of Quincannon Meat & Power, a slaughterhouse that employed most of the residents of Annville County, Texas. Quincannon was also a KKK member who attempted to murder Jesse and his friends.
But the reason that Preacher fans remember Odin Quincannon is because he was involved in one of the most disgusting scenes in the entire run of the comic. Minor spoilers ahead! At one point, Jesse caught Quincannon having sex with a large mannequin made up entirely out of meat. Not coincidentally, that was the scene that I was sure would never make it to television when AMC announced its plans to adapt Preacher. But Quincannon’s presence on the show kind of implies that his only real iconic moment from the comic is probably inevitable.
Haley was a child actor best known for his starring role in The Bad News Bears films. As an adult, Haley starred as Rorschach in Watchmen and had a leading role on Fox’s Human Target adaptation for two seasons. Earle also headlined the 2010 A Nightmare on Elm Street remake as Freddy Krueger.
Preacher doesn’t currently have an announced premiere date, but it will debut later this year on AMC.
How far do you want to see Earle’s character go on Preacher? Let us know what you’re thinking in the comments below!
HT: The Hollywood Reporter
Image:Â Warner Bros. TV
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