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Polling Place:’s Favorite Animated Movies

Incredibles Nerdist Favorite Animated MoviesWelcome back to another week of poll and answer. We asked the editorial team what their favorite animated movie was. This list was compiled from each contributor selecting one movie. You can find out who picked which movie and why on the list below. Apparently, we’re all big fans of Brad Bird as two of his movies are in our list and one of those movies was selected by two members of the team. Vote on which movie is your favorite to decide the order of our list.’s Favorite Animated Movies

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  1. Emily says:

    Fun feature! Can we add to this list? Ratatouille needs to be on there!!

  2. Jim met says:

    The incredibles was a good movie but it is certainly not the best animated movie of all time! The triplets of bellville, spirited away, howls moving castle, lion king, South Park blu, waking life, And many others trump it easily.

  3. Shayde says:

    No love for Heavy Metal?

  4. Jeff MacDonald says:

    My list would be all Miyazaki films, so I’m pretty happy to see he got some proper respect here.

  5. Fartbooty says:

    How is Magic Mike not on that list

  6. John says:

    Oh, yeah…what about Fritz the Cat? Man, this is bogus!

  7. John says:

    …and one other that should not be overlooked: Waking Life.

  8. John says:

    Not a bad list. I would include Howl’s Moving Castle and A Scanner Darkly.

  9. TheFiredGun says:

    MEGAMIND! You’ve got to have Megamind on that list, great cast, hilarious movie, new take on an old story, everyone thing a body could want.

  10. Blinking Man says:

    Iron Giant is such an amazing film, glad to see its up there. Pretty solid list i really need to see mask of the phantasm have no idea why i have yet to watch it.

  11. Stephanie says:

    Out of all the Disney princess animations, Merida in “Brave” is by far the best.

  12. Joe says:

    Where’s Toy Story, Up, Wall E or Ratatouille? The Incredibles is bloody awful too.