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POKÉMON SUN And MOON Get a New Evil Organization: Team Skull

As the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon looms closer and closer (it hits shelves stateside on November 18), more and more info is trickling out about the next chapter in the Pokémon franchise. A new video posted this morning has plenty of new information, including details about the game’s villains, new Pokémon, and new forms of existing Pokémon.

While past games have featured evil organizations like Team Rocket and Team Flare, the bad guys of the Alola region are Team Skull. The video above reveals the group’s grunts, dressed in grungy, black and white clothes and with the bottom halves of their faces covered in bandanas. Two of the Skull higher-ups are also introduced: Team Skull’s “big sister” and admin Plumeria, and “boss” Guzma.

Three new Pokémon are also introduced: Wishiwashi, a Water-type fish Pokémon whose Schooling ability allows it to gather a bunch of nearby Wishiwashi and congregate into its more powerful School Form. Pyukumuku is also a Water-type Pokémon who is something like a black sea cucumber, and whose Innards Out ability deals damage to its opponent upon fainting. Lastly, there’s Morelul, a Grass/Fairy-type mushroom Pokémon who, as is probably expected, can affect its opponent’s health status with spores.

The final set of reveals in this video involves the new Alola forms of pre-existing Pokémon. There’s nothing quite as outrageous as Alola Exeggutor, but Meowth becomes a purple-hued Psychic-type, Marowak becomes a baton-twirling Fire/Ghost type, and Raichu becomes Electric/Psychic-typed and gains the ability Surge Surfer, which, along with its appearance, is a fun reference to Surfing Pikachu.

Check out the reveals in the video above, and let us know how upset you are that the new Meowth, Marowak, and Raichu forms don’t have 20-foot necks.

Images: The Pokémon Company

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