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POKÉMON Coffee Labels Are Sure to Wake You Up

Coffee is a good thing. Pokémon is also a good thing. Combining two good things is a good thing, so the folks at did just that with their 13 custom Pokémon coffee labels, each one featuring a specific Pokémon tailored to a certain variety of coffee roast. It is a good thing.

All of the featured Pokémon are from the first generation of games, with the second generation’s Hoothoot being the lone exception. Each fictional roast–it doesn’t seem like they actually made new varieties of coffee for this project–has a description that is perfectly tied to its respective Pokémon. For example, Overvolt, the variety pictured above that features Jolteon, is described thusly:

“Jolteon is one of the eight evolutions of Eevee, but with a name that includes the word JOLT, we couldn’t NOT include him in our coffee label series. This electric Pokémon is agile and fast, traits which hopefully pass on to you after you have a mug or two or three of Overvolt during that mid-afternoon slump. However, it does make us think… what would the other Eeveelutions be like in coffee form? Glaceon would be nice for a cold press, Slyveon would be sugary-sweet, but we’re not sure about Espeon.”

The other coffees feature relatively obvious first-generation Pokémon like Pikachu, Koffing, Gyarados, Drowsee, Gengar, Lapras, Slowpoke, Psyduck, Ivysaur, Porygon, and even Missingno. If you feel compelled to stick these labels on your own bags of coffee, the original post includes downloadable PDFs of the labels and printing recommendations.

If we’re sticking to first-generation Pokémon, it seems like Grimer or Muk could have been a good choice for their own brew, considering they look more like coffee (albeit very thick and disgusting coffee) than any other Pokémon. Dugtrio kind of looks like a group of coffee beans, so maybe that would have worked as well. Actually, if you really squint, Pinsir and Hitmonlee’s bodies kind of look like coffee beans also.

All of this is making us really want a nice hot mug of…


HT: Uproxx

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