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Nerdist News

PlayStation Now v EA Access: Dawn of Justice

Happy hump day, pals, and welcome to another ferocious face-off episode of Nerdist News!

EA laid down the gauntlet this week when they announced their subscription-based gaming service EA Access and dubbed it the “Netflix of Gaming”, setting off Sony just a day before the launch of their streaming game service PlayStation Now. But which is better? Don’t sweat it, we’re here to run down the positives and negatives of both Now and Access for you! We’re just nice like that.

Oh, and of course we’ve got your weekly Pull List with Dan Casey in celebration of the premiere of his very own show, The Dan Cave! Are you ready for deep dive into the world of movies, comics, and videogames? Then you’ll want to hop into the Dan-ger zone.

Enjoy today’s show, come on back for another tomorrow, and let us know in the comments below which service you think sounds more enticing!

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  1. So I guess we’re forgetting about Gamefly?

  2. RedwoodCoast says:

    Meh.  Both services will fail.  What content creator would want to partner with these gouging middlemen networks.   A better question is what host providers will become the preferred targets of content creators.  Just my 2 cents.

  3. enthroned says:

    Sorry for my n00bitude but can someone tell me the reference of the outro?
    Thanks guys!