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Pickstarter Extra: The Veronica Mars Movie

Greetings fellow Marshmallows,

After too many years without Veronica Mars on our airwaves, Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell are taking the bull by the horns and making the Veronica Mars movie with the fans. If you aren’t a follower of the adventures of the Neptune High gang and their sleuth ring leader, then you haven’t experienced mid-2000s teen television the way it was meant to be done… well. The Kickstarter went up today and already has over $1 million dollars towards their modest $2 million goal for a movie of this size.  This is the first Kickstarter I’m aware of that has a major studio agreeing to distribute if they hit their goals, so pay attention to what happens here, because this could change a lot of things in Tinseltown. 

The story will focus on Veronica’s upcoming Neptune High 10 year reunion and a crime that pulls Veronica back into the PI trade. If you’ve missed your friends from Neptune, California, the Kickstarter video is a must see. Apparently a few of them have had trouble moving on. I will now count the minutes until Veronica, Mac, Weevil, Logan, Dick and the other residents of Neptune are back on screen.


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  1. Phil says:

    Out of all the nerdiest news in the world, this is probably the one that matters most to me right about now.

  2. Chuck W. says:

    As of today $2,852,948

  3. Phillip says:

    So excited this happened not just as a fan of the series but an industry lover. The success of this campaign definitely raises a question. Why was this show cancelled in the first place?

    When TV shows like this clearly have a fan base but get cancelled because of low ratings or get held up for a DVD release due to problems like licensing, when does the conversation switch from a movie, to a series reboot.

    Television producers and audiences have always held up their end when it comes to content. It is advertisers and licensees who need to recognize that appointment television is not the compass needle it used to be.

    Fans react on message boards not because we are pathetic people with no social lives, but because we like these shows and hope that someone is paying attention.

    Kudos to Kristen Bell,Rob Thomas and all the other creatives behind Veronica Mars, who quite frankly gain nothing by attempting this and could have seen a backlash from the Hollywood establishment, for listening and trying to create something for fans.

  4. MIschaD says:

    @Steamboatsilly – Actually, it’s a very similar situation to that of Firefly. WB owns the rights to Veronica Mars, They were basically just sitting on them with no plans to move forward on any possible projects no matter how much the fans were calling for it. Rob Thomas made the agreement with WB that if they were able to raise the funds, WB would pay for distribution, limited theatrical release, promotion and VOD release. It’s not like WB isn’t footing the bill for SOMETHING in this situation. I see it as a similar situation to that of an independent film where they make the movie with money they raise themselves and then a bigger studio comes in and buys the rights to distribute. The fans wanted it. And in the end, the fans are the ones to make it happen.

    I was happy to back this project and I can’t wait to see what comes of it! Not to mention, the ramifications in Hollywood. It will be interesting to see what happens to projects like Firefly and others after seeing the power of a rabid group of fans when they’re willing to put their money where their mouth is.


  5. Steamboatsilly says:

    Seems a little odd to pay a major studio to make content and then let them keep all the profits. If I pay enough money they will even let me act? Come on now!

    I may be skeptical cause I’m not what you would call a fan (reads: never watched the show). I guess if it were firefly I would be barking a different tune.

    Cannot deny that it is weird to pay them to make it then pay them to consume it.

  6. melf melfman says:

    i wish they would do that with deadwood

  7. MonarchHench says:

    Oh crap, I better hurry up and finish season 3….because it hit its goal in ONE DAY!

  8. Sarah says:

    It is SO AWESOME that you guys posted this. I just went and pledged my first Kickstarter. Best!

  9. HumanGoogle says:

    Well…shit. Now I have to let my wife watch Season 3 before the movie comes out.

  10. bretsneg says:

    And International rewards will come pretty sooninsh, will have to up my 50$ pledge when it happends!

  11. Natalie Cruz says:

    Hell yes! I pledged $200! Last time I looked we were at $1.3M!!! This will be done!