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Pickstarter: Downward Viral’s “Z” Brings Zombie Thrills to Tabletop Gaming!

When gaming writer Sebastian Haley and cosplay queen Meagan Marie created indie game company Downward Viral, it was because the two had a love of all things to do with zombies, gaming, comics, and horror movies. And each other! They’re totes going steady, and what better way to solidify your status as a power couple than creating one of the first tabletop games geared exclusively toward fans of the zombie horror genre?

Enter Z. Fully funded through Kickstarter, the duo has now launched a new campaign for a hard copy, collectors edition of the tabletop survivor game. Much like Magic: The Gathering, Z is designed to play differently every time. It’s your own zombie movie you create, and you might even recognize some of the characters.

Mythbuster's own Grant Imahara

Mythbuster’s own Grant Imahara

Super Cosplayer Jessica Nigri

Super Cosplayer Jessica Nigri

That's me, yo.

That’s me, yo.

….And SO MANY MORE! Yes, it’s true, I witnessed first hand the love that was put into creating each hero, survivor, and zombie character. It’s a highly detailed game that could only come from people who truly love the horror genre and love tabletop games.  The quality of the art is amazing, and the incentives only make the game even more mind-blowingly awesome to play. Downward Viral is offering up premiums like exclusive prints, alternate costumes, expansions, and even a retro filter to enhance your creative experience. In addition, since the game is still in development, backers get a producer credit as well as a choice in the final images used in the game.

Make sure you check out all the info, goodies, and help support Z here– the Kickstarter ends June 16.

What other tabletop games are y’all fans of? Is there a concept you’re dying to see made into a game that hasn’t been made yet? Comment below and let’s start a conversation on Twitter!


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  1. Zombie Games says:

    I also start playing zombie games in my PC with cool graphics and game play such as Zombie Frontier, Left 4 Dead 2, The Walking Dead, Resident Evil and COD:Black OPs 2.

  2. Wow, I’ve never heard and definitely played any zombie games. Perhaps as zombies in Magic the Gathering but not as a stand alone tabletop game where zombies is the main theme.

  3. Tom Hodges says:

    Its not the first tabletop zombie game out there. I personally own copies of Zombies!!! and Last Night on Earth, which the latter one is a must try if you like zombies. There is also a game called zombiegeddon which is not really a zmbie game, but a slow paced survival game.