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OVERWATCH Reveals New Hero, Brigitte

It’s always a great day when Blizzard officially reveals a new hero for Overwatch. And the 27th addition to the cast of characters is someone that we’ve seen before: Brigitte Lindholm, the daughter of Torbjörn. She’s also the god-daughter and squire of Reinhardt. While Brigitte has previously questioned whether Reinhardt was right to answer Overwatch’s recall request, she is no longer content to simply sit on the sidelines. As the game’s latest support hero, Brigitte has dedicated herself to being Overwatch’s shield, and she has many ways to help her allies.

That was a compelling introduction, but now it’s time to see Brigitte in action!

Brigitte’s Rocket Flail move will actually heal her teammates in the immediate vicinity, and she also provides her allies with repair packs and armor in addition to her barrier shield. And so far, the fan response to Brigitte’s promotion has been overwhelmingly positive.

Of course, we’re all still very interested in learning more about Brigitte’s armored kitty.

Blizzard hasn’t officially announced Brigitte’s release date yet, but we’re expecting to hear more details soon.

What do you think about Overwatch‘s newest hero? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Blizzard

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