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Overlords of the Dance

I’ve been away for much too long and for that, dear peoples, you have my profoundest apologies. But like any truant lover worth their neglectful salt, I have returned flourishing a shiny bauble with which to trick you into liking me again. Something so supreme in its distilled power and beauty that I’m feeling pretty cocksure the Nerdist community will forgive me for my wandering ways.

So. If you’re feeling a lil’ blue or just generally acclimating to the new, frantic week ahead, I’m here to tell you that somewhere between now and 3 minutes & 26 seconds from now, you’ll be joining the euphoric fold of which these three misshapen boogie-nuggets are the supreme lords and masters. Observe and rejoice.

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  1. Angela says:

    Is this how you, Matt and Jonah celebrate your hostful podcasts?

  2. Robert says:

    I swear, if i hear this as someone’s ringtone on the street i’ll start tapping and twisting like mad. Like i do whenever i watch the video. Which is now! Dam-bada-bada-ba-dam *tap-tap*

    PS: original (?) and some russian dudes recreating the dance can be found at“Ножкой+топ-топ”

  3. Kevin says:

    I can’t believe I watched the whole thing. I kept waiting for something different to happen.

  4. clare says:

    Gah! Now I have the “Bristol Stomp” stuck in my head:

  5. Cheri says:

    LOVE THIS! saw this on attack of the show last week or the week before, and i was hoping there was a longer version out there…and there is!!! thank you!

  6. Ryan says:

    Did you make this!? If you did, you’re a genius. A pure genius.
